San Diego Stories by Salvatore Filippone

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December 22, 2003

Goodbye, ot-three...

San Diego Decembers are warm. This thought interrupts all the other things I do here in Northern Italy, where I decided to spend the holidays this year, with my sister and her husband. It's my 11th(?) trip to Italy, but my first for the holidays. I'm enjoying it, despite the extreme temperatures. My fingers nearly froze while taking photographs in Venice yesterday...

Quite a bit has happened this past year, both in the world and I would assume in our personal lives as well. I referred to last year as a year of transition, but this year was also one of transition, but for the better, I think, despite all the negative things we may have seen and heard of. I'd like to wish happy holidays to everybody, especially those that are far away from family in this time (a few of my students are far, far away and will not be back for a year).

Stay safe and enjoy, and let's make 2004 a great one.

Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukah


Posted by sfilippone at 09:56 PM